Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Thanks go out to twitter friend @HackLaSalle for his helpful suggestions in making the kitchen and bath safer places:

  • If a tub is the only bathing option, opt for a tub that has a built in non-slip feature (I'm still looking for one - if you have suggestions, email me!) . If you're not replacing the tub, you have two options: you can buy non-slip material, but you run the risk of it being peeled off, or you can use a treatment such as this one to chemically change the surface of the tub.
  • Thermostatic valves are great as you can set the temperature of your bath water to say 72 degrees and you don't have to sit and wait for the water to heat up - it comes out at 72 on demand. This would reduce the risk of scalding, although pretty much all fixtures these days are anti-scald.
  • In the kitchen, picture labels for drawers/cabinets are extremely helpful. For example in the King family, if Marilyn wanted to involve Steve in the cooking process, she could ask for a pan and by looking at the pictures, Steve would know where to find it. This concept could also be used in the bath vanity, or on a dresser in the bedroom, etc.


  1. These are great ideas. I had never even really thought about different design ideas that could be incorporated to make life easier for families touched by autism. I hope you keep writing more on this, and good luck in your studies!

  2. Great Blog! An option for the tub being no slip and for a family who already has an existing tub is http://www.bathfitter.co/bath_remodeling.aspx
    The liners fit over the existing tub, creating a new look to the tub area and making it safe. Just something to look into.. I am really enjoying the blog it is fascinating!

  3. Thanks!! It's nice to feel like someone is out there!! I really enjoy writing it.
